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Use video whenever possible.

Ninety percent of all traffic on the Internet is in video form. Yes, most of that is from NetFlix and YouTube and others delivering entertainment content. But an increasing amount is now coming from web sites and YouTube videos created by companies looking for an edge in their marketing efforts. The average time spent on a static website, one without videos linked to the home page, is under a minute. That time more than triples when videos are positioned to be delivered with just a home page click.

Dave’s Top Ten Trends workshop promo video   Check this example by clicking on the link to the left – from my site.

Videos are no longer expensive to produce, even though a poor amateur effort may be much worse than none at all.   One way to create great company videos inexpensively is to contact your local college or university and ask if there are interns signed up for such work with local companies. Another is to combine clips you’ve accumulated into a professionally edited video without creating any new shots.

[Email readers, continue here…]  Each video, especially those on the front page of a site, must be compelling, to the point, and short. If you are selling a product, a one to two minute demo that is well edited will work wonders for viewer retention. If you are promoting the corporation as opposed to the product, short clips of the company’s previous projects with comments from enthusiastic customers would be appropriate. Finally, content does not last forever.

Videos should be replaced or rotated at least annually to be effective over time. No matter how many videos you have to offer on your site and on your YouTube channel, videos will increase your marketing awareness.

  • Excellent Dave. Well done! You constantly hit the mark with all of your ideas.

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