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  • Gray areas in non-compete agreements? 09/12/2024
    Last week we introduced the subject of non-compete agreements.  Let’s dive a little deeper and present some “gray area” scenarios to consider. First the obvious case in point What if you are the seller of a previous business or shares amounting to more than an insignificant percentage of a previous business? Certainly, the buyer’s asset […]
  • Are you afraid of non-compete agreements?      09/05/2024
    Entrepreneurs tend to remain in the business niche they know best.  Usually that means one they once or recently spent time as an employee or manager within a company where they had little or no ownership. Are you one of those? Some of these entrepreneurs starting a new company are alumni from companies that would […]
  • Do you agree with “Fail fast?” 08/29/2024
    Here’s a question that should strike close to home. Professional investors like to quote this mantra to anyone who will listen.  “Fail fast,” they say. But what if you believe so strongly in your budding enterprise that this seems to be the most ill-advised directive you’ve ever heard? So here are some rules that might […]
  • Investors, your board, and you: Who is smarter? 08/22/2024
    You’re building a company from your vision and a passion, and lots of people are going to tell you that you have this or that wrong, and that it just won’t work. Business plans rarely survive market contact The truth is that very, very few early business plans survive in a form completely recognizable when […]
  • Missed Expectations and the 80% M&A Rule. 08/15/2024
    Eighty percent of all businesses purchased by another company or by a new investor-operator fail to meet the stated expectations of the buyer after one year. As with the fifty percent rule discussed last week (fifty percent of startups fail within two years), this rule is hard to find an author willing to be quoted […]
  • Risk, insanity, and the 50% startup rule! 08/08/2024
    Fifty percent of all businesses formed will fail within the first two years.  There are many variations of this number since there are a number of ways to measure failure.  But the number is a startling reminder that creating a business is not easy, nor is it any assurance of success. How to define “success” […]
  • Broadcast a clear goal to rally your troops! 08/01/2024
    Too many business leaders fail to point their troops in a single direction where the goal is known and the process to achieve it clear.  Some work to achieve good deeds and hope that their efforts will result in financial success over time.  Others aim for financial success during the growth of their business and […]
  • The 3 Ps that make you a success 07/25/2024
    You may have never thought of it like this before, but to make your work or company a success you will need to address the three Ps, performance, planning and profit.  Let’s take a minute to demonstrate why. Performance, the first “P” You are part of a team, no matter how small.  The success of the […]
  • Revolutionary – but too late?      07/18/2024
    Too many startup businesses, especially in the technology world, are built upon brand new concepts that have not yet been proven in the field against products from other companies that already have revenues flowing.  As a rule, creating a product that does not fit into an existing space, cannot be defined against one or more […]
  • Can you be liked while being tough? 07/11/2024
    Does a “good heart” diminish the chances of success? The post Can you be liked while being tough? appeared first on Official website of Dave Berkus.

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