Some businesses just can’t fit within the angel capital or friends and family model for raising funds. Sooner or later, you may need to seek venture capital and accommodate the needs of the venture community in negotiating the terms of an investment.

What VC’s can and cannot do
First, VCs in general cannot invest in ‘S’ corporations or limited liability companies (LLC’s). This is only a minor problem in that both forms can convert easily into ‘C’ corporations at low cost and little consequence.
And what VC’s worry about
More importantly, VCs will worry over several issues when looking at a company and deciding about an investment.
First: Is the price paid for shares by previous investors excessive, creating a post-money valuation too high for the actual value of the company? If so, the VC will contemplate a “down round” – that is: offering an investment where previous investors find their investments instantly worth less than their original value, even if the investments were made at high risk and years earlier. No one wants to face this, but the need for money and the possible overpricing of the first rounds may have created an unsustainable valuation.
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How did you structure your first round?

Second, it is important in the first investment round to face the issues that may be required later by subsequent, more sophisticated, investors such as VC’s. These include “tag along rights” which allow investors to sell some shares when others, such as management or founders, sell any shares. Also included are “drag-along rights” in which minority shareholders may be forced to obey the vote of the majority in such important votes as to sell the company or take a round of financing at lower share prices.
The enlightened professional investor
Most VCs today are becoming enlightened (as are organized angels), correctly forcing many decisions that might have been dictated by investment documents then to be decided by the corporate board of the company. This allows for a discussion – and perhaps a negotiation – between inside and outside board members in such instances, all for the good of the corporation, not just one class of shareholders. You may recall that board members have a “duty of loyalty” to the corporation, and not to their constituent investors. This enlightened thinking reinforces that duty, even sometimes at the expense of profit to the VC’s.
Images created using DALLE-E3 with the prompt: “A young man and young woman, both in casual business dress, sitting at a conference table examining copies of a business document. White background. Realistic images.”
The issue with a downround is real. If I see a preseed round raise money at a $50M valuation, I know that my only path forward is either a) don’t get involved, or b) offer the correct valuation and instantly have all the prior investors upset. It’s usually not worth it for most VCs to try to deal with this. I’ve seen angels poison deals by either being too aggressive (by putting in terms that aren’t appropriate), or being too passive (and accepting wildly out of market valuations). The cure for most of this is to use a standard language convertible note or SAFE with a discount and cap, and fortunately, that’s usually what happens. Dave – great to see you sharing with the SoCal community!
Good point about early stage investors over paying – that triggers a follow on investment down round – or worse – the company being unfundable to VCs.
Since this is one of many examples of NIA ( Nativity / Ignorance / Arrogance), is why supporting entrepreneurship in young ventures is very risky. And for those of us who are experienced investors and come to understand what’s needed to be successful, it’s about being good at ” Managing Risk “. And to do that you need to know a lot and have a Brain Trust of highly competent people with different and complimenting capabilities who learn fast, make good decisions, etc. For additional insights on this see – .
Always super inciteful. Good to be aware of these clauses.